Announcing the new Executive Director of Neighborhood Farms USA®, Michelle Card

Dear Neighborhood Farms USA® Community,

We are excited to introduce our new Executive Director, Michelle Card, who will lead us as we
continue to grow together.

As a co-founder of Neighborhood Farms USA®, I am delighted to see how our community has
flourished. Your support, dedication, and passion for sustainable agriculture and community
development have been the driving force behind our success.

With Michelle joining our family, we look forward to even greater positive change.

Our mission has always been to create an inclusive space where individuals can grow fresh
produce and a stronger sense of community. Michelle’s leadership will elevate our initiatives,
touching even more lives.

Let’s continue to cultivate our gardens, minds, and friendships together. Your support makes
our community exceptional.

Please welcome Michelle to Neighborhood Farms USA®.

Thank you for being part of our journey.

Let’s cultivate a brighter future together,